Which feature do you miss most?

Monday, 31 May 2010

One-Shot (31/05/10)

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is far and away my most anticipated movie of the year. Click on the red words in the sentence before this to find out why (it's a cor-ker!!!)

The first person to identify the joke above gets my respect.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

One-Shot (30/05/10)

Bought tickets for Tegan and Sara and the Get Up Kids today.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

One-Shot (29/05/10)

It's international "Hug a Bassist" day, according to Jimmy Eat World. Not that you would've known it by all the non-hugs taking place around my person.

Friday, 28 May 2010

One-Shot (28/05/10)

Every so often I read a blog post and feel bad for neglecting my own so much over the last year. Popping back in sporadically with a thousand words or so on The Irish Question isn't what you fine people deserve. "Fine-Toothed Coombs: A Blog" is often the catalyst for such thoughts. Imagine an observational stand-up style blog with an eye to the cinema written by Greg Dulli, with all the alcohol references that would entail, but 100% more self-deprecation and even more cynical charm. Keep up the good work, Devin!

You could also do a lot worse than to check out some of the other blogs available from CHUD. Quality ain't exactly in short supply there.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

One-Shot (26/05/10)

The chance to announce this gives me more pleasure than a never-ending bowl of Honey Waffles served by a single Isla Fisher clone.

"Rock-Talk: Dr. Kawashima's Groin Training"

The Back-Talk special over 40 episodes in the making… Christophe and Ian are joined by mutual friends/band-mates David “David NeildNeild and Daniel “I hate Scousers” O’Connor! The gang assesses the relevance of bathroom attendants and acceptable tipping etiquette on both sides of the Atlantic. Bostonian cab drivers can be funny, but also dangerous. Sometimes, university is wonderful in spite of being part of a small “intellectual student elite.” Sometimes, university is wonderful because of that.

  • "Doing the Egyptian"
  • America Loves Cheese
  • Bawstawn
  • Nasal Sex
  • Tuck Shop in a Toilet
  • "You must be from London."
Score: "Snyper Scowp" [live] by i:Force (yeaaaaaah!)

Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

One-Shot (25/05/10)

On the day Conan O'Brien celebrates the arrival of his 1,000,000th Twitter follower, we celebrate our 12th (including Broken Social Scene!)

See you tomorrow when I fully expect to make a glib remark about how we dropped 2 followers within 24 hours.

Monday, 24 May 2010

One-Shot (24/05/10)

As long as this man's Tweets can cheer you up, you're alright. Every one of them proves why shorthand isn't just about working within Twitter's character constraints; it's about taking language to strange, often awesome places.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

One-Shot (23/05/10)

It Isn't Always Sunny In Northern Ireland, but That Just Makes You Appreciate It All The More If It Is.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

One-Shot (22/05/10)

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." ~Mother Teresa.

Judging someone doesn't preclude the ability to love them, though.

@ quotegarden.

Friday, 21 May 2010

One-Shot (21/05/10)

"They say the only thing worse than a CD tower
is a DVD tower
no matter how many ’special editions’ u have
u might never be a special edition of a human."

Wisdom pearl [via Hipster Runoff.]

Kinda wanna start an indie loungecore band now called Wisdom Pearls. No, there's no "the" at the start. Wisdom pearls need no preface.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

One-Shot (20/05/10)

"How To Lose A Follower In One Easy Step."
By Empire Magazine's Twitter.

Tweet "Struggling to remember a single thing Megan Fox said or did in Transformers 2."

I'm not the kind of guy who has a Megan Fox poster, but even I remember she spent most of that debacle snaking her form around motorcycles and shouting "SAAAAAAAAAMM!!!!" as loud as humanly possible at Yer Man From Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

One-Shot (19/05/10)

I love a good relaxed interview. This is actually enough to make me wanna see Survival of the Dead. And Diary... (something I never thought I'd say.)

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Monday, 17 May 2010

Back-Talk Bulletin

Episode Thirty Eight: "License to Douche"

Ian “I love The Cribs” Pratt lavishes praise and a fair amount of air-time on The Cribs. Christophe “I would rather listen to Limp BizkitEntressengle hates Franz Ferdinand. Irish politics = bumpkinism? Everyone from northern England is a “pig farmer?” In a turn of events best described as unsurprising, more stories about girls and nights out unfold.

Music by The Lucky Nightsticks.

One-Shot (17/05/10)

The show that's fast becoming a weekly highlight: Tell 'Em, Steve-Dave, "Episode Twelve: Makin' Hay." It's worth listening to for Bry's hilarious impressions of Q's New York accent alone.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

One-Shot (16/05/10)

I hereby impose a moratorium on songs detailing a "fall" of some description. No more "if I fall", "so we fall", or any variations thereof.

And no more pleas to a mysterious "baby" to prevent further falling either.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

One-Shot (15/05/10)

If I may employ an internet term, "never forget."

Friday, 14 May 2010

One-Shot (14/05/10)

Ellie Goulding is many things. She's teeny. She's English-sounding in a natural way. She's got a knack for getting stuck in your head. She's a sexy dancer. She's all of the above in the video for "Guns and Horses."

One-Shot (13/05/10)

Karen Gillan is gloriously hot, but I still don't feel like watching Doctor Who. Cause for celebration or cause for concern?

Sorry this was late, by the way. When booze interferes, I feel obliged to atone with a redhead.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

One-Shot (11/05/10)

Here's the deal. I've been busier than get out this last while. The last thing I want to do to this blog is let it descend into a thesaurus for "I'm tired" so, instead, I'm going to use today's One-Shot to continue my extended pimping of The Cribs. The better to "force" my music choices on Chris and, by extension, you (if you're not Chris.)

Behold, the video that first brought them to my attention, "Men's Needs!"

Monday, 10 May 2010

One-Shot (10/05/10)

Back-Talk presents...

Episode Thirty Seven: "Liberal Yahoos 'r Us"

When Chris starts a story with “I was out the other night…”, “I was smoking as I usually do…”‘, or “I met this chick the other night…”, you know you’re onto a winner. When Chris starts off a story with all of the above, a very special Back-Talk’s in the making. The perils of sneaking a woman almost twice your age into your parents’ house and post-coital interruptions follow. Snickering ensues.

Episode Tags:

* Chris the Cougar Layer
* Double-Down
* Sleepover Security Screening
* "There We Are."

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Friday, 7 May 2010

One-Shot (07/05/10)

One serious late pass coming up today, folks.

Falling for the Cribs is a win-win situation. They don't confuse you, they're there how and when you want them to be, and they're fun to think about all the time.

Incidentally, this clip for "We Share The Same Skies" is a perfect blend of video and song that's all-too-rare, particularly in indie-rock.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

One-Shot (05/05/10)

Is Laura Veirs the perfect onscreen love-interest for Ian in Hyphenated: The Back-Talk Movie? If she remember meeting Chris and myself at Night & Day Café...

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

One-Shot (04/05/10)

Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World is a fantastic album, but particularly enjoyable if you've not listened to it in ages.

One-Shot (03/05/10)

Another day of working, feeling down, and not much else can mean only one thing: a brief, late (sorry) and probably avoided One-Shot. Enjoy!

On a writerly level, I agree with Rambo's retirement. On the level that makes me want to see excessive destruction of the human form on the silver screen, this saddens me.

Via: CHUD, where funny news lives.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

One-Shot (02/05/10)

I know it's not over 'til it's over... but it sure feels like it's over.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

One-Shot (01/05/10)

The poster for Grown Ups erases much of the goodwill Adam Sandler regained with Funny People.