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Tuesday, 27 January 2009

14: In Defence of Girls Who Say "Gat", Not "Got"

Finding most of Girls Aloud attractive makes me feel basic. But this isn't about sexual apathy, for once. No, today, I bring you consternation (GASP!) with one of my national brethren (DOUBLE GASP!)

I hear Nadine Coyle* is preparing to make a real go of acting in L.A. Fair play to her. I wish her all the best. She's young and beautiful so she's sure to find work, whether she's good or not. Plus, she's Irish in the Land of Opportunity. Anything that sets actors apart right?

Or not. Apparently, "our Nadine" is drafting in a voice coach to smooth out her Derry accent, presumably to replace it with something interchangeable with any number of American actresses.

Needless to say, what the beg? Setting aside the contentious issue of patriotism here (someone from Stroke City who went on the Irish version of Pop Idol first didn't go to bed in Union Jack sheets that's for sure), why bother? On a practical level, her brogue could easily be adapted for a role as a character from the United States. Irish actors have exploited this for years**: Cillian Murphy being a fine example. Dude's invisible as Americans. In short, don't throw the beautiful baby out with the bath water.***

Isla Fisher understands the art of keeping one's native tongue while on the job. So too does Rachel Wiesz.**** Rather than suck the viewer out of a film, identifying the performer behind the mask can enhance viewing pleasure. Nadine would doubtless prove the same, if she can:

1: put on a half-decent American accent.
2: leave her work at the office.

And I don't buy the whole "she's only doing it so they'll understand her" thing.

As it's not very gentlemanly to buy a lady a beer, I'll adjust. Nadine, if these trends continue, you'll leave me no choice but to ask another lady to join me in a c'yar-e-okee rendition of "Yer Stull La Wun." You have been warned.

* http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eVemNzcMkUo
** File Gabriel Byrne's "Koy-Zer Sow-Zay" readings under "Mixed Results."
*** With some work, you too could be pimp enough to talk like T from Swingers.
**** Clive Owen and Naomi Watts would be the power-couple, though.


Ian Pratt needs to confront his love for culchys, one of these days... whatever the cost.

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