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Friday 19 June 2009

One-Shot (19/06/09)


Did you miss me? Well, I'm back anyway. Yes, greetings, friends! I've returned. To mark this non-historic occasion, here's another "link" One-Shot sure to be read by no more than 2 people. What an age we live in!

In a recent Facebook note, I named Nick Nunziata, creator and linchpin of CHUD.com, as one of my favourite writers. This shows why. In an everyday news item - the kind so often churned out with an obvious lack of enthusiasm and care - he simultaneously excels and shames many of his contemporaries. If I've not got you to bookmark CHUD by now, I never will. Does that mean I'll stop trying? Sure doesn't.

It's good to be back.

* CHUD.com readers, get ready to appreciate some first-rate foreshadowing!

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