Which feature do you miss most?

Friday 13 March 2009

One-Shot (13/03/09)

What to do when you wish to write about football (again) when it will repel readers like the Irish League repels excellence? Exploit today's potential for horror, making it a macabre One-Shot double feature!* That's not at all predictable. Two things I say I will do but probably won't:

  1. Forego my prior plans to buy Resident Evil 5 cold by downloading the demo first (PlayStation Network, how I love thee.) Thanks for planting the seed, Chris!
  2. Watch Friday the 13th (1980) like I meant to do this time last month, thereby freeing up space on the Sky+ box.
What? Like you've never watched Halloween on Halloween, My Bloody Valentine on Valentine's Day, or Mayday!** on May Day?!

* And do it anyway. Go on, United!
** I hereby call "dibs." Back off, Roth.

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